Theme 2: Mountain Solutions: Common Grounds and Common Understanding


The vast mountain range stretches within the globe, and is home to important yet fragile ecosystems directly supporting the livelihoods of billions of people living in the mountains and downstream. Latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicates that the incidence of natural hazards such as floods, landslides, and dry spells are likely to increase in future. These changes pose a threat to people’s livelihoods, their agricultural production, and food security, as well as to the availability of water resource and ecosystem services. Such changes will not only affect people in the mountains, but will have significant impacts on billions of people living downstream i.e. from mountains to oceans.

Changes to the social and economic makeup of communities together with the changes in climate and the natural environment, pose new and challenging situations for people in the mountains. This highlights the importance of strengthening the resilience of communities and institutions to be able to deal with and adapt to current and anticipated changes. This international dialogue calls for traditional knowledge and strategies to be coupled with continued scientific research and pilot actions on the ground in order to address the new situation and identify mountain specific solutions for building resilience to climate change.


This session will shed lights on more practical and pragmatic way of addressing mountain issues particularly focusing on bringing experiences on resilient mountain solutions and finding common groups and common understanding on the scale of impact, the urgency of action and science and wisdom of addressing the impact. 

Discussion Themes

The important aspects of rearticulating human development in the mountains is to emphasize the need for fairness to people, nature and other living beings. It is possible for economic growth in the mountains that occurs in harmony with nature and climate. Mountains can provide several opportunities for redressing poverty, dealing with climate change, and achieving sustainable development. They provide and safeguard water supply, food, and energy security. Mountains harbour biodiversity, and provide natural products such as timber, medicinal plants, and minerals, including income through tourism. The  forest and biodiversity help conserve soil and water, maintain the integrity of the ecosystem, prevent mountain and low-lying regional hazards and natural disasters such as floods and landslides and (like other forests) regulate climate and serve as carbon sinks. This expert dialogue is expected to bring experiences on the successes of favorable policies and practices in the region which creates opportunities to safeguard mountain resources, while transitioning to green, resilience and inclusive development and creating sustainable and cleaner future.

Mountains, high-latitude areas, the cryosphere, and low-lying areas are common resources shared by countries in regions. The government and other actors need to leverage this to identify common actions and interests to facilitate adaptation and sustainable development. It is important to enrich understanding and closing adaptation knowledge gaps in mountains, high-latitude areas, the cryosphere, and low laying areas. There is a need to promote successful adaptation cases and transboundary cooperation in mountainous regions, including developing context specific and tailored solutions for mountain regions, such as adapting global impact indicators to national and local contexts. Another important aspect is the co-designing locally led solutions to tackle knowledge barriers, strengthening national, regional, and international policy frameworks, including promoting Local adaptation actions and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). This expert dialogue explores opportunities of promoting locally led adaptation solutions that create meaningful impact for the upstream and downstream communities with improved access to technology, finance, and knowledge.

Mountain voices needs to be heard. Those who have least contributed to the climate crisis are being disproportionately affected by it. The responsibilities in addressing climate change should be divided according to who is contributing most to the problem, while addressing systemic, socio-structural, and intergenerational inequalities. Global communities need to ensure gender equity, equality, and empowerment by supporting youth, indigenous peoples, women, and local communities’ leadership, and providing dedicated funding leading to inclusive and resilient mountain development. This expert dialogue will provide opportunities for mountain actors to showcase approaches and ways to i) recognize and promote Indigenous and local knowledge and good practices to conserve biodiversity, biocultural heritage and promote culturally sensitive sustainable mountain development; and ii) generate green jobs and income generating opportunities for Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women, youth, and other marginalized groups.

This session is expected to document and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, research, and innovative solutions for adapting to climate change, strengthening locally-led climate actions, minimizing loss and damage to mountain peoples and their livelihoods, and optimizing clean energy transition.


The session includes moderators, keynote speakers and panelists representing government, international communities and development partners, international non-government organizations, private sectors, women, youth, indigenous peoples, and civil society organizations.